Uploading Data File using Field Mapping

If you have an existing spreadsheet that you would like to use to upload data to your Site Manager, you can use the field-mapping feature.

Preparing the File

  • Import file needs to have a header row
  • You always need a unique identifier - which should be the catalog id/sku number.
  • Save the file as a CSV (comma-separated format).

Uploading the CSV File

  1. In your Site Manager, click the Import Data link

  2. Browse for your CSV file, then click Upload

  3. Choose the section where you would like the items to be uploaded

  4. Map columns to Site Manager fields

    • Map each column in your file to a MightyMerchant field on your web site.
    • In order to update existing items on the site, your spreadsheet must have a column that can be used to match items on the web site with items on the spreadsheet. You must identify which column will be used to match up items
    • If there are rows in the spreadsheet that do not match an existing item on the site, a new item will be added to the site
  5. Choose whether or not to hide items not included in the spreadsheet

  6. The results page will display a list of upload items

    • Blue rows indicate the item was updated.
    • Green rows indicate the item was inserted.
    • Red rows indicate the item could not be processed.