Setting Up Sitewide Shipping Sales
Setting Up a Sitewide Shipping Sale
If you want to offer limited time free or discounted shipping for all your products, or for orders above a specific order total, a shipping sale is the way to go.
Please note: Shipping sales are applied every product on the site. If you want to offer shipping discounts for individual items, you should use the per-product shipping charge type.
For detailed instructions on how to do this, please visit our documentation on
Setting Per Product Shipping Charges.
Step One: Create Your Sale
- Log in to your MightyMerchant site manager and click on the "Sales" option at the top of the page.
- Click "New Sale" to the left of the search bar.
- Next, you want to add in the parameters of your sale:
- Set a sale name
- If applicable, set a Start Date and an End Date for the sale. Otherwise, set "Continuous Offer" to "Yes."
- Select "This promotion applies to every product on the site."
- Select "Apply a discount to shipping charges"
- Select "Percent Off" or "Dollars Off"
- Enter the discount amount in the Discount field (Free Shipping would be 100.00 percent off)
- Enter any desired Thresholds
- Check off the shipping methods you would like your shipping discount to apply to in the box at the bottom right-hand corner of the Edit Sale page (this box will not display until you have selected "Apply a discount to shipping charges").
- Enter any additional parameters you would like to use.
- Click the "Save Changes" button
- Congratulations! Your sale is now ready to test.
Step Two: Test Your Sale
Test your sale! You are not done until you have verified that the settings you entered are giving you the results you want. For steps to take to test your sale, please refer to our instructions on Testing Your Sale.