Setting Up The Text For The Shipping Notification Emails
The choices for the shipping menu are set from the shipping methods you have set up with the Site Manager.
If you intend to use the Order Manager to notify your customers when their orders ship, you will want to review the 'Note for email confirmation' for each shipping method. The 'Note for email confirmation' is the text of the email that will be sent to each customer when you click the 'Notify' button in the Order Manager.
The default text included in each custom method is:
Dear {first_name}, We wanted to let you know that your order #{order_no} has shipped via {method} on {sh_date_shipped}. {sh_note}
The default text for auto-UPS shipping methods also includes a tracking number, as well as a link to a page on your website where customers can track their shipment.
You can modify the text for each custom shipping method and include details about how the person can track their order or when they can expect to receive their package.
Change The Default Email Confirmation Text
- Click the "shipping" link in the Site Manager.
- Click the "Edit" link to the right of the first shipping method you'd like to adjust the notification for.
- Edit the text in the "Order manager Email Notification Text" field to suit your needs.
- Click "Save".
- Repeat steps 2-4 for additional shipping methods, if needed.
By using special notation in the text, you can include information about your customer's order such as the tracking number and shipping method.
Here is a sample that could be added to a custom shipping method if you plan to include tracking numbers:------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />You can track your order by visiting <a href="<br"><br< a=""> /></br<></a>
<a href="<br"><br< a="">Your tracking number is {sh_tracking_no}</br<></a>
<a href="<br"><br< a="">You can expect your order to arrive in 7 to 10 business days from the date it was shipped.</br<></a>
<a href="<br"><br< a="">Thank you<br /> </br<></a>
Note: Editing in MightMerchant v4.0+
In version 4 and above, whatever you put in the "Order Manager Email Notification Text" field overrides the default. So you will want to include the defaults along with your additions, like this:
Dear {first_name}, We wanted to let you know that your order #{order_no} has shipped via {method} on {sh_date_shipped}.<br /><br />{sh_note}<br /><br />You can track your order by visiting <a href="<br"><br< a=""> />Your tracking number is {sh_tracking_no}<br />You can expect your order to arrive in 7 to 10 business days from the date it was shipped.<br />Thank you </br<></a>What do the curly braces mean?
Wherever you see text surrounded by
data from this order will be substituted. You can include the following data in your email confirmation:
{order_no} the order number of this order {first_name} the billing first name {last_name} the billing last name {sh_date_shipped} the date this package shipped {sh_note} the custom note you enter on the notify screen {sh_tracking_no} the tracking number for this shipment {ship_to} the address the package is being shipped to {bill_to} the address the order was billed to {method} the name of the shipping method the item was shipped by
Notifying Your Customers About A Shipped Order
You can notify your customers when an order ships by clicking the notify button for that order.

You must enter a date shipped and a tracking number for the order. If there is no tracking number, enter 'none'. You may also add a custom note to include in the email. If you are not shipping all the items, you can uncheck the items that are not included in this shipment. If the 'Notify on Save' checkbox is checked, then an email with the text from this shipping method will be sent to your customer.
(If you prefer to enter the shipping information, but do not want to send a notification to your customer, then you can uncheck the "Notify on Save" checkbox.)

The information you entered will be saved and can later be viewed by clicking the "View Shipping History" link for each order in the Order Manager.