Getting Started with PayPal

PayPal allows you to take payments without having a merchant account. Paypal also offers merchant accounts that allow you to take credit card payments. But a Paypal merchant account is completely different from a Standard or Business Paypal account that allows your customers to pay you from their Paypal accounts.

The advantages are that some people prefer to pay with PayPal so they don't need to give out their credit card number. Also, with a Paypal Website Payments Standard account, you do not have to pay the monthly fee that is associated with a Merchant Account. The negative with PayPal is that a significant percentage of shoppers are used to paying directly with their credit card. The PayPal-only option could be deterrent for them.

To get started with PayPal Website Payments Standard:

1. Go to

2. Click the Start Now link on the right side of the page. Follow the instructions for entering the information.

3. When you register for the account, you will be sent a verification email. Be sure to use an address that you know will come ot your email box. If you need us to set up an address for you at your domain, just let us know.

4. Once you have verified your account, you are ready to receive payments. Go to your MightyMerchant Site Manager and click "settings" and then "Payment Options".

5. Check the PayPal check box and enter your Paypal email address. You can also enter a custom shipping instructions that will only be displayed for customers who choose Paypal as their payment method. Click Save Settings.

Now when shoppers go to your site, there will be an option to pay with PayPal. If they do so, they will see a link that will automatically take them to the PayPal website to complete their payment. When they submit the payment at Paypal, the funds will be transferred into the destination account that you specified in your Paypal account settings.

You will receive an email confirmation when the Paypal payment has gone through.

Please note that you should not consider a payment complete until you receive the confirmation from PayPal. PayPal orders will show up in your MightyMerchant Order Manager as unpaid until you change the status.