T-Hub: Trying Out T-Hub by Atandra
T-Hub is an application that runs on your computer. It communicates with MightyMerchant and automatically loads your order data into QuickBooks. There are several key benefits to using MightyMerchant's QuickBooks connection:
1. First and foremost, you will save a considerable amount of time getting your order data into QuickBooks and doing data entry.
2. With your data imports from your website, you can keep inventory in QuickBooks current.
3. QuickBooks POS users can integrate with their Point-of-Sale system.
4. You can schedule automated data imports.
5. Create customers and items on the fly.
You can try MightyMerchant's QuickBooks connection free for 15 days.
Here's how to get started:
1. Go to http://www.atandra.com?a_aid=5cb7e5a4 and register for a demonstration version of T-Hub Standard. When you fill out the form, be sure to select MightyMerchant as your eCommerce solution.
2. Notify MightyMerchant that you will be using T-HUB so we can do the necessary set up on your website. Email us the username and password that you configured.
3. Once we give you the green light, you can start importing orders with T-HUB.
MightyMerchant QuickBooks Connection Pricing
You will have three costs associated with the MightyMerchant QuickBooks connection:
1. $450 software license fee to Atandra for their standard version (as of 5/2013)
2. $250 one-time website setup fee from MightyMerchant.
3. $20/monthly fee to MightyMerchant.
To get started with the free trial, go to www.atandra.com and click "Try Now" .