Order History

Features for Customers

When customers log in to their account, they will have access to their order history by clicking the "My Account" link.

The order history includes

  • A list of orders they have placed on the site, including order details and status
  • A list of any pending orders that were started, but not completed
  • The ability to reorder from a previous order
  • Ability to update billing and shipping information
  • Ability to update the account password
  • Access to wish list

Features for Site Owners

Site owners have a number of features available for tracking orders placed by their customers.

Each account keeps track of the following

  • Date last ordered
  • Total Orders
  • Total Revenue

Editing the order status that displays in the order history

When customers access their order history, they will see the order status that is set for that order in the Order Manager. Your Site Manager includes a default list of order statuses to choose from.

  • New
  • Printed
  • Shipped
  • -Complete
  • -Cancelled

If you wish to use an alternate term for display to the customer

  1. Click "lists"

  2. Edit the appropriate list

  3. Add a customer term to display, like this

In the customer order history, the customer term will now be displayed